There’s been an awful lot of discussion this week after Notre Dame burned about millionaires (or billionaires) throwing money towards an old building and yet unable to save the world…

I definitely see the point. Hundreds of millions towards a building when it could help so many people that are starving or wasting because of curable diseases. Who WOULDN’T want to help them?!

But I’m left with two thoughts:

  1. It’s their money.

If they want to save a rich and beautiful iconic piece of history, that’s their right. Anyone that has ever stepped foot inside Notre Dame had a piece of them cry out while that ancient building burned. It is truly one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. To rebuild something like that is not always a folly. It is a place of sanctuary, peace, and history.

2. Maybe they just don’t know how REALLY bad life is in certain areas because the uber wealthy live on another level from regular people.

They don’t see our posts about starving children in Africa or disease infected babies in South America, or even the homeless Vets in our own country. Honestly, that’s our fault…if we make our heart’s desires known enough word will get out. If we truly have a heart to rescue, save, donate, we can! It’s OUR money!

So be the voice for the ones you feel so passionate about, donate, volunteer! Awareness is KEY! Help people become aware of situations they may not know exist. Advocate, help, listen, whatever it takes to help! May you make a HUGE difference in someone’s life. May we all join together in helping with those that touch our hearts, remembering that it is different for each person. That’s what makes the world so unique.

Another thought I’ll leave you with is “don’t wait.” Don’t wait to fulfill those bucket list items…we don’t know what tomorrow holds for anyone or anything.

Wishing you a Happy Easter,
