Some of you know that I had a strong desire to be a travel agent at an early age. I wanted to see the world and realized the best way I could do that is by being a travel agent.
I have made a good start on seeing the world…in my 31 years since becoming an agent, I have covered a lot of the earth…but it is larger than we suggest it is! I still have many, many places to see.
I was recently interviewed by Scrivener Solutions owner, Gayla Scrivener, about my “work from anywhere” travel agency. See, I don’t have a brick and mortar office. I work from my laptop and phone. I can fairly well accomplish most tasks from anywhere in the world. Which allows me to see more of the world while still pulling in an income.
Feel free to listen to the podcast interview, it may spark an idea for you to have a work from anywhere type job, too?!